< Go Back Making Arrangements for Children During Christmas and COVID Posted: Dec 24, 2020 For a child, being part of a separated family is undoubtedly difficult. Compounding that difficulty is the notion that even something as simple as holiday celebrations have to change. And in 2020, the restrictions around COVID-19 have served only to amplify an already difficult situation. Fortunately, there are steps that both parties can take to make these unprecedented times even just a little bit easier on the children in their life.
Read on for some helpful strategies for helping your little ones adapt to a different kind of Christmas celebrations.
Arrangements This Christmas Communicate Openly and Honestly
It’s important that you are honest with your child about potential difficulties around travel during the holiday season. Ask them their feelings and ensure that their feelings – no matter what they are – are heard and respected.
Similarly, it is important that you communicate with your partner if restrictions will impact any previously agreed upon custody arrangement. It is recommended that you consult with your attorney to confirm if the prearranged agreement would still be valid as a result of coronavirus restrictions.
It may sound obvious, but the same sort of civility you show any other time of the year ought to apply to this time of the year. Always remember that this entire circumstance is the most difficult for them.
Develop an Alternative Method of Communication
This is an important thing to keep in mind not just at the holidays, but throughout the pandemic time. If getting together with loved ones isn’t feasible, work with your child to come up with other ways of communicating with the family they are separated from. A popular long-distance communication option is using Zoom or some other video chat platform. Perhaps they can draw a picture or send a special holiday greeting card through the post. Assure your child that they’ll see their loved ones again soon enough.
Keep a Routine, if Possible
In uncertain times, it’s beneficial for the child to maintain as much of a routine as possible. The same applies to holiday celebrations. If part of your celebration typically involves decorating a tree, hanging lights, exchanging gifts, or any other festive thing, attempt to keep everything the same as you’re able to. It may also be worth mentioning that Santa Claus is still very much capable of delivering presents to all locations across the world.
The divorce process isn’t easy, especially if you’re a kid. It has the potential to sour even something as normally cheerful as Christmas, and even more so during a pandemic year. But it’s your duty as a parent to ensure that you do all within your power to ensure that, even in these tough times, your child has a happy holiday this year.
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